[Model used] : Conveyor-integrated twin screw pump Model SQWA
[Liquid name] : Corn
Transfer corn without breaking it as much as possible.
In establishing a new process for transferring corn kernel to containers, following issues had appeared.
・Clients don't want to destroy the shape of corn as much as possible, but they don't want to use a lot of manpower to transport the product due to the high production volume.
・Clients were considering installing pumps, but almost all of the pumps they had tried so far had destroyed the shape.
Points of improvement
A conveyor-integrated twin screw pump model SQWA was introduced.
Since this pump hardly causes any change in the shape of the solids during transfer, the change in the shape of the corn kernels before and after the transfer was almost non-existent. This eliminated the need for manual labor and allowed clients to achieve their initial goals.
production flow
Product used

Conveyor-integrated twin screw pump Model SQWA
A further evolution of a pump specialized for materials with low water content that are difficult to transfer.